ClienTrax is the ONLY practice management software with a fully integrated, seamless solution for Wellness plans.
Utilizing quick and efficient invoicing and inventory set-up through ClienTrax, establishing a preventive care plan for your practice has never been easier! Many practices will develop multiple plans to match procedures to the age of the pet. Tiered plans also allow clients to have more options on the level of care to provide for their pets. ClienTrax allows practices to develop their preventive care plan any way they choose. Standard wellness plans calculate the fees of the services/items included and divide by 12 to establish the monthly payment. Discounting services are not required, however, many practices choose to offer some discount in the range of 10-50% off the retail price. Through ClienTrax, practices will have the opportunity to set the price on all items/services. TRACKING WELLNESS SUCCESS AND MANAGING PRODUCTION PAY
Many practices choose to compensate their providers through production. ClienTrax wellness allows you to easily establish commission on wellness services to accurately calculate provider production pay. Additionally, Clientrax Wellness includes several reports specifically designed to track your success with wellness services and plans. All of these options are housed within your ClienTrax software eliminating the need to open another program to evaluate your data. AT CLIENTRAX, WE MAKE SET-UP EASY AND FAST
A ClienTrax Wellness representative will work directly with your practice to provide you with the tools necessary to make your plan a success. Your representative will help you evaluate every facet of your program and develop the plans exactly how YOU want. We even offer turnkey solutions that include customized marketing to successfully promote your plan to clients from DAY ONE! Bring a ClienTrax Wellness representative ONSITE and we will work one-on-one with your staff to train and create champions for your wellness plan. Staff acceptance is imperative to ensure a successful launch of your plans. Our fun and informative workshop will have your staff excited and well-educated about these new programs. At ClienTrax, we can help you organize and promote your plans correctly from start to finish. |
![]() Watch the ClienTrax Wellness Webinar to see how ClienTrax does Wellness right!
ClienTrax and OpenEdge offer a turnkey solution for veterinarians to implement a plan that works for their practice. The OpenEdge technology integrates fully with the ClienTrax practice management software program, eliminating the administrative hassle of manually handling recurring billing.
Additionally, OpenEdge Recurring Payment Solutions offers automatic updates for out-of-date cards and data is automatically stored in the Managed Payer Data Vault (MPD). This removes the need to store this data in other software applications, reduces the scope of PCI compliance, and lessens the risk of stolen card data. The numbers are encrypted from the initial card swiped and never transmitted or shown in ClienTrax as the full credit card number. |